What Technology Wants

What Technology Wants

8.5 out of 5 stars





Page count:416


Content Summary

A refreshing view of technology as a living force in the world. This provocative book introduces a brand-new view of technology. It suggests that technology as a whole is not a jumble of wires and metal but a living, evolving organism that has its own unconscious needs and tendencies. Kevin Kelly looks out through the eyes of this global technological system to discover "what it wants." He uses vivid examples from the past to trace technology's long course and then follows a dozen trajectories of technology into the near future to project where technology is headed. This new theory of technology offers three practical lessons: By listening to what technology wants we can better prepare ourselves and our children for the inevitable technologies to come. By adopting the principles of pro-action and engagement, we can steer technologies into their best roles. And by aligning ourselves with the long-term imperatives of this near-living system, we can capture its full gifts. Written in intelligent and accessible language, this is a fascinating, innovative, and optimistic look at how humanity and technology join to produce increasing opportunities in the world and how technology can give our lives greater meaning.


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Original Summary

[" 中国人擅长摸着石头过河,但往往把石头当成了河。摸到信息技术,说这条河是信息化,摸到了生命技术,就说这条河变了。 () —— 引自章节:序言 "," 技术,是人的「第二肌肤」,一直是,将来也是。 接下来,大约5万年前,缺的那根弦被安上了。虽然早期非洲人类的躯体没有变化,但是基因和思维发生了巨变。类猿人第一次满脑子主意和创新意识。这些新生的充满活力的现代人,或者说现代智人(我用这个称谓来区分他们和更早的智人),离开祖先在东非的家园,进入新地区。他们在草原上分道扬镳。就在1万年前农耕文明的历史即将拉开帷幕时,他们的人数出现了相对短暂的爆发式增长,从非洲的数万人猛增至全世界的约800万。 哲学家丹尼尔·丹尼特(Daniel Dennett)用简练的语言赞美道:「在思维的进化历程中,语言的发明是所有步骤中最令人振奋、最重要的。当智人从这项发明中受益时,人类进入一个跳跃式发展阶段,将地球上的其他物种远远甩在身后。」语言的创造是人类的第一个拐点,改变了一切。有了语言的生活对那些没有语言的人来说是不可想象的。 不过,语言的主要优点不在于交流,而在于自动产生。语言是技巧,让思维能够自我质疑;是魔镜,告诉大脑自己在想什么;是控制杆,将思想转化为工具。语言掌握了自我意识和自我对照的捉摸不定的无目标运动,从而能够驾驭思维,使之成为新思想的源泉。没有语言的理性架构,我们无法获知自己的精神活动,自然就不能思考我们的行为方式。 按照生物学家的分类,世界上有六大类生物。前三种是微生物,后三种依次是菌类、植物和动物。 「就科技而言,共同改进是最佳的办法,也是常见的,」经济学家布莱恩·阿瑟在《科技的本性》(The Nature of Technology)一书中写道,「一项技术的许多组成部分被其他技术共享,因此随着这些成分在主技术『之外』的其他应用上有所改进,大量进步就这样自动产生了。」 不过,科技和生命在进化问题上最大的差别──比其他差别大很多──是:与生物物种不同,科技物种几乎从不会灭绝。 更多的人类思想等于更多的进步。经济学... () —— 引自章节:全部 "]