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入选《大西洋月刊》“过去100年伟大的美国小说” BBC“100部塑造世界的英语小说” 附 科尔姆·托宾 精彩导读 —————————————————————————— 年轻的美国人大卫在巴黎寻找自我,他的未婚妻赫拉独自在西班牙漫游。大卫在纪尧姆开的酒吧里遇到一个名叫乔瓦尼的意大利酒保。乔瓦尼唤醒了大卫心底的欲望,大卫进入乔瓦尼的房间,房间狭窄、失序,远离市区。 从小说的开头我们就知道大卫抛弃了乔瓦尼,知道赫拉回到了美国,还知道乔瓦尼因 杀害酒吧老板被判了死刑。鲍德温在时间轴上自由移动,大卫在男人和女人中间来回摇摆。 詹姆斯·鲍德温以敏锐而深刻的想象力,探索了爱的深渊,创造了一个关于死亡和激情的动人故事,揭示了人类内心无从言说的复杂性。 —————————————————————————— “我几乎不知道该如何形容那个房间。某种程度上,它变成我曾经住过的每一个房间,而往后我住的每一个房间都会让我想起乔瓦尼的房间。其实我并没有在那里住很久——我们在春天之前相遇,我在夏天的时候离开他——但还是让我觉得自己已在那里住了一辈子。”


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[" For I am — or I was — one of those people who pride themselves on their willpower, on their ability to make a decision and carry it through. This virtue, like most virtues, is ambiguity itself. People who believe that they they are strong-willed and the masters of their destiny can only believe this by becoming specialists in self-deception. Their decisions are not really decisions at all — a real decision makes one humble, one knows that it is at the mercy of more things than can be named — but elaborate systems of evasion, of illusion, designed to make themselves and the world appear to be what they and the world are not. This is certainly what my decision, made so long ago in Joey's bed, came to. I had decided to allow no room in the universe for something which shamed and frightened me... () —— 引自第18页 "," I have thought about Jacques' question since. The question is banal but one of the real troubles with living is that living is so banal. Everyone, after all, goes the same dark road — and the road had a trick of being most dark, most treacherous, when it seems most bright — and it's true that nobody stays in the garden of Eden. Jacques' garden was not the same as Giovanni's, of course... Perhaps everybody has a garden of Eden, I don't know; but they have scarcely seen their garden before they see the flaming sword. Then, perhaps, life only offers the choice of remembering the garden or forgetting it. Either, or: it takes strength to remember, it takes another kind of strength to forget, it takes a hero to do both. People who remember court madness through pain, the pain of the perpetually ... () —— 引自第22页 "]